Elective Courses

Elective Courses

In this section, you will find information about TIU elective courses offered for JSP students:

  • Japan Studies Course (Electives): Japan studies on Culture, Literature, International Relations, Business, and Society are offered as standard E-Track Major courses at TIU, and categorized “Japan Studies Course” for JSP students.
  • Electives: You can take other Elective courses from the English Track Program. Available course categories are Liberal Arts, Major, and Special Programs. (For students who have JLPT N2 level or higher, other program courses offered in Japanese are also available.)


  • Students usually register for 16 – 20 credits. The maximum number of credits per semester is 20.
  • You must earn credits for two or more courses in order to receive a “certificate of completion.”

Past Course Lists and Schedule

The purpose of this section is to provide current / future JSP students an idea of the type of classes offered. All information in the lists are subject to change and will be updated periodically. The finalized lists, course schedule, and new syllabi will be available to students within 2 months of the new semester.

Important dates and information will be provided to incoming students via e-mail.

Please refer to the syllabi (See “Other Useful Links” below) for detailed descriptions of the courses.

2024 Fall Course Schedule (Updated July 26, 2024)
2024 Course List (Updated July 26, 2024)
2024 Spring Course Schedule
2023 Course List
2023 Fall Course Schedule 
2023 Spring Course Schedule
2022 Course List
2022 Fall Course Schedule
2019 Fall Course List
2019 Fall Course Schedule
2019 Spring Course List & Descriptions
2019 Spring Course Schedule
2018 Fall Course List & Descriptions

Other Useful Links

TIU System: POTI
To See the Syllabus on TIU System