Hi, my name is Naoki. I have been supporting international students for almost one year as one of the Peer Assistant. Plus, I am one of the Peer Assistants in charge of this long standing study abroad program, Japan Studies Program.
In this program, there are so many activities which are worth sharing. The activity I will introduce this time is the International Festival. This festival is held in June every year at Tokyo International University. In fact, the JSP students had the opportunity to set up a lemonade booth in 2019 spring semester.

In order to make our stand successful, PAs and JSP students had weekly meetings where we discussed what needed to be prepared. Some of us created a poster while the others were setting up and cleaning our place. We made the best use of our skills and banded together! Here is the poster we made. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

On the day of the festival, PAs enjoyed helping out the JSP students and everyone enjoyed being a part of the festival. Our lemonade was very popular. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention! At the International Festival, the English-track course students also set up their booths such as traditional food, dance and clothing. We enjoyed the cultural diversity!

During the festival, not only TIU students attended the festival, but also the people who live in the surrounding neighborhoods came to our festival. The JSP students were able to serve customers in Japanese at our booth. That was a great opportunity for them to use Japanese in a practical situation.

The International Festival is one of my favorite JSP activities but there are still many other stories to share with you. Please look forward to the next posting!