On August 16th, the Closing Ceremony for Japan Studies Program (JSP) Spring 2016 was held on Campus 1, Tokyo International University (TIU).
TIU’s President, Professor Takahashi congratulated the students for successfully completed the semester at TIU and presented each and everyone with a Certificate of Completion.
On be half of the JSP students, Emily Schwaner and Courtney Lai from Willamette University gave a speech in Japanese, which they have practiced carefully with the Japanese Peer Assistants. We were surprise to see how much their Japanese have improved in just one semester. They clearly have worked very hard.

The Japanese host families also attended the ceremonies. Lots of memory sharing, good wishes and love from the host parents as well as their young kids have been shared. 4 months in Japan seems to pass by in a blink of an eye but we hope their connections to Japan will last for a life time.

On behalf of the JSP staff, we would also send special thanks to students of this batch for their contribution to our program, especially with the development of the new JSP website. We said farewell to 11 students, wish them the bests on returning to their home university, while looking forward to welcome back 3 students who continue for Fall semester 2016.